“Just pull the resource off Canvas so parents cannot see it.”

“Right now, DON'T use the word privilege.”

“Publish ONE for the whole class that is a LEAN version of the lesson. The "original" that has all the stuff on it, can be published and only assigned to specific students (IF NEEDED).” 

The email made national news. 

During the spring of 2021, a concerned employee leaked the email from Rockwood’s 6-12 grade literacy coordinator.

Parents saw the email on social media and news organizations picked up the story.


Natalie Fallert, Rockwood’s now former literacy coordinator for middle and high schools, is the one who sent it. It went to 220 language arts teachers and principals.

The email was in response to parent complaints about language arts lesson materials and content; the same lessons and materials and content that are featured in this blog:

8th grade Critical Literacy unit. (Gender Norms, racism, anti-police theme.)

9th grade Cultural Identity unit. (Identity, privilege, racismpolice shootings.)

In the email, Fallert pointed out specific content that parents were concerned about. She gave instructions to hide parts of lessons and alter wording, so those assignments would look different to parents on Canvas. (Canvas is Rockwood’s online learning platform.) She told teachers what words to change, and what parts of lessons they should remove.


In response to parent concerns, Fallert did not suggest changes to what teachers were teaching. She only suggested ways to keep parents from seeing it.

After this email, parents told us some of what they previously saw on Canvas was gone.

Rockwood School district responded, saying the email was not approved. The school board later narrowly voted 4-3 to remove her from her position.

See the controversial reply to Fallert's email. It's from a Rockwood principal. Then, read Rockwood's response


-The full Fallert email.

-Rockwood’s response. ​

-A list of the 25 times Fallert referenced to keep teaching it but don't show it.

-The article showing how board members voted.

Note the Critical Literacy and Cultural Identity units, highlighted below. Those units include the lessons shown elsewhere on this site. Further down, she tells teachers how to hide them.

Note the bottom: Teachers are instructed to remove the words racism and homophobia.




                                                    (They = parents.)

1) "Right now, DON'T use the word privilege."

2) "They do not understand that democratic means to be a part of a democracy. Right now, use the word CRITICAL THINKERS."    

3) "They believe that the word activists means to go out and spit in cops faces and protest by setting cars on fire (yes, this is a bit of a leap, or maybe it isn't). "Right now, use the words "take a position."

4) "You know your kids and parents best in your classroom/building, so make adjustments as you go. This doesn't mean throw out the lesson and find a new one."

5) "Just pull the resource off Canvas so parents cannot see it."

6) "Preview lessons before you publish them with all of the above in mind."

7) "Keep teaching! Just don't make everything visible on Canvas."

8) "Publish ONE for the whole class that is a LEAN version of the lesson. The "original" that has all the stuff on it, can be published and only assigned to specific students (IF NEEDED)." 

9) OR you could specifically email those students a copy of what they need."

10) "If you are in the 9th Cultural Identity unit - tread lightly!"

11) "I would say that this one is probably getting the same response as the Critical Literacy. Any topic that would  deal with stereotypes, identity, intersectionality, culture, race, etc could raise an issue.

12) "Again, this doesn't mean do not teach it." 

13) "(at the bottom of this email I have some suggestions I sent to teachers yesterday for this unit)." 

14) "If YOU come across something that I have not referenced that you feel might raise an eyebrow PLEASE share it with me!"

15) "On one delete the Apply Section"

16) "under READ just put "Read the story in the Foundations of Language and Literature 

17) remove the PDF… 

18) and the "title" of the piece". 

19) "Under Respond. Take out the title and just say, "In Adams's essay he uses writing..."

20) "The reason I say "make a copy" You can publish the NEW one that has less information on it."

21) "Then for that kid who is all virtual and needs the full lesson, you can publish it and assign it to ONLY that kid.  OR you could email that kid the attachments they need."

22) "Again I wouldn't throw it out, but you could just not give them access to the story."

23) "When you get to Power Imbalances -You might remove the two examples and just go over them in class (same as above)"

24) "Pull the anchor texts off of Canvas."

25) "Prep for Timed Write #2 - Under 1. it says poverty, racism, homophobia, domestic abuse" maybe take this out or change to poverty, abuse, class, etc."


Ever since this email, trust has been damaged in our community. 

Rockwood's school board narrowly voted to end Fallert's employment. The vote was 4-3. 

Here's an article that says who voted which way. We would have included the original link, but, it no longer works.  

Teachers in Rockwood, by and large, are fantastic. They know their subjects and they care.

But, it's too hard for parents and taxpayers to find out specifics about lesson content and the messages our kids are hearing at school.

This email is proof of why we need to know.